Fraudster fails on proceedings hearing dismissal
A notorious fraudster who conned desperate homeowners has failed in an attempt to have proceedings to claim back more than £2m dismissed.
News and events
A notorious fraudster who conned desperate homeowners has failed in an attempt to have proceedings to claim back more than £2m dismissed.
A strike procession will take place in Paisley tomorrow as school catering, cleaning, pupil support, administration and janitorial staff walk out for three days, closing all schools and most council
An MSP and two Johnstone councillors have held a street surgery in Corseford area of Johnstone.
Quarriers Renfrewshire Head Injury Service (RHIS) was delighted to host George Adam, MSP for Paisley and Tom Arthur, MSP for Renfrewshire South, to highlight the work that the service offers
Food and drink wholesaler JW Filshill, one of Scotland’s oldest independent food and drink wholesalers, saw turnover increase to £203 million – up 2% from £199 million – in the
Johnstone woman Kerryanne is celebrating the completion of a master’s degree in child Protection during Adult Learners Week 2023 .
Schools in Renfrewshire will close next week after a new last-minute pay deal was rejected by a union.
A selection of Disney favourites are being screened at a cinema in Linwood this month to celebrate 100 years of the iconic movie studio.
A violent rapist who attacked a woman has been jailed for six years.
Last week’s meeting of the Renfrewshire Valuation Joint Board a report provided an update on the electoral registration, noting that the 2023 canvass started on 1st July 2023 and will