MP: UK cash blow for Renfrew Hub bid
A Renfrewshire MP has hit out at the UK Government’s decision to reject a multi-million investment in Renfrew town centre.
News and events
A Renfrewshire MP has hit out at the UK Government’s decision to reject a multi-million investment in Renfrew town centre.
The British Dental Association has warned the Scottish Government must step up to prevent a wholesale exodus from the service in April, following new figures from the Scottish Liberal Democrats
Tom Arthur, SNP MSP for Renfrewshire South met with Recovery Across Mental Health (RAMH)’s Stephen McLellan (CEO) and John Leckie (Chair) at his constituency office recently.
New figures from NatureScot show Scotland’s birds, mammals, butterflies and moths are struggling to recover as the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change take effect.
Bin lorries in Renfrewshire will soon be running on a new fuel which has the potential to reduce their CO2 emissions by up to 90%.
A former cocktail expert will spend extra time in jail for sex attacks on six more victims.
A former Celtic Boys Club manager indecently assaulted three young players while on duty, a sheriff determined today.
Renfrewshire’s annual memorial service to those who have lost their lives to suicide was held last week.
A Johnstone Funeral Director walked over fire and broken glass to raise vital funds for charity.
Councillor Natalie Don has announced her bid as a candidate for the upcoming elections for the Scottish Parliament next year.