Lib Dems highlight Renfrewshire sewage discharge
Renfrewshire Liberal Democrats have made an appeal to the Scottish Government to record and publish all sewage dumping records.
News and events
Renfrewshire Liberal Democrats have made an appeal to the Scottish Government to record and publish all sewage dumping records.
A local councilor has welcomed funding for the Private Sector Housing Grant as it supports a range of services to private sector owners.
Babies and toddlers in Erskine Library enjoyed a special treat, when Natalie Don MSP, the Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping the Promise dropped by to help deliver a
New Scottish Government statistics showing the impact of a fund aimed at helping the poor have been welcomed by a Renfrewshire MP.
Natalie Don MSP has welcomed new funding from the Scottish Government to support the provision of after school and holiday clubs for Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities in Renfrewshire.
MSP Natalie Don has raised concerns over an increase in demand for debt advice.
A Renfrewshire MP has hailed new figures showing the impact of the free school meals programme on household budgets.
Tom Arthur, MSP for Renfrewshire South, has welcomed Scottish Government reform plans to increase opportunities for outdoor play in the area.
Scotland’s Deposit Return Scheme will be a turning point for recycling and waste in Renfrewshire, says Scottish Green MSP Ross Greer.
Financial support available to undergraduate students will rise by £900 from the start of the 2023-24 academic year.