Council tax frozen as budget sets out investment in a fairer Renfrewshire
Councillors have passed Renfrewshire Council’s £549.287million budget by votes 23-17.
News and events
Councillors have passed Renfrewshire Council’s £549.287million budget by votes 23-17.
Councillor Neill Graham has slammed Renfrewshire Council for changes to parking charges in Paisley Town Centre.
OneRen has expanded an initiative designed to help more people to make a big splash across Renfrewshire’s five swimming pools.
A Renfrewshire MP has slammed the Home Office for “appalling communications” over their use of the Erskine Bridge Hotel to house asylum seekers.
A double agent, a historical novelist and a pioneer of radar technology feature in the 250,000 records newly released online by National Records of Scotland.
With less than a month to go to the Self Assessment deadline, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is urging nearly 5.7 million customers to file their tax return for the
The Scottish SPCA are appealing for information after ten cats were found abandoned under the A737 fly over on Blackstoun Road in Paisley.
People in Scotland are being reminded of the resources available to support their mental health over the festive holidays.
The Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance joined delegates from across the supported business and public sectors recently, in a bid to strengthen relationships and grow opportunities.
Childline delivered 240 counselling sessions to children in Scotland during the 12 days of Christmas last year1, the NSPCC-run service reveals as it prepares to support young people round the