Renfrewshire Council confirm P1 pupil registration date
Renfrewshire parents and carers with a child due to turn 5 soon are being urged to register them for school.
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Renfrewshire parents and carers with a child due to turn 5 soon are being urged to register them for school.
Renfrewshire Council have launched a childcare consultation to get feedback on the future needs of parents and carers.
Around 4,000 Renfrewshire pupils have found out their exam results and wider qualifications as texts, emails and letters arrive from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) came in yesterday.
People who have space in their lives and hearts to offer a child a loving home are being urged to come along to an event with Renfrewshire Council’s foster care
Pupils and staff at Johnstone High School are celebrating after gaining Gold SCQF School Ambassador status.